At the moment of this writing Ellsbury has just tripled at the top of the 2nd putting the Red Sox ahead of Seattle by 2. Let's hope the rest of the game fares similarly.
Probably the most exciting things that have happened lately can be read about at
Pip's blog which April has been diligent at updating. Of course, it is much more likely that you found your way here
from there which means you’ve likely caught up on all that so really I’m just wasting space.
There have been a few odd events that didn’t directly involve the baby. Just over a week ago as we were heading home late from work we were bumped from behind—just slightly—by another car. It was driven by a woman who, no doubt, was equally late in getting home from work and too tired to guide her foot to the brake right away (which is essentially how they teach you to drive in Atlanta—quick to the gas, slow to the brake … but then
suddenly). We pulled off the road, checked things out and decided there wasn’t any major damage done other than a small scratch that could be easily patched. Information was exchanged and we drove off.
There are few things more frustrating than trying to work out the details of minor impacts. No one wants the insurance companies involved (ironic, isn’t it?) if it can be at all helped but as you go about getting an estimate for repairs, knowing full well the it’s going to cost more than you think, which is a bit higher than the other driver thinks, and you invariably find that the cost is even higher than that. Then you've got to inform the person that hit you.
I had another experience much like that when I went to get an oil change and new tires for the car. And then there’s the alignment which keeps the new tires from wearing funny and before you know it you’ve swiped your card and ... money is really not worth what you grow up thinking it is. And then you think you’ve learned that lesson, and then something happens which teaches you money is really not worth what you thought it was then, and so on.
Speaking of which, my wife had her first Mother’s Day on Sunday. I think technically it doesn’t really count until the baby’s here for all to see, but April’s good at finding excuses to celebrate and that mentality is growing on me—for the good, I might add. Also, given the state of western civilization it seems prudent and necessary to emphasize the fact of having an in-God’s-image, fully human baby already, whether or not it’s wanted or visible or audible or whatever.

As you can see in the picture part of her gift from me was 3 cans of “Stoney” brand ginger beer. She hasn’t had it since her time in Kenya and tells me it’s the best. It’s a Coca-Cola product but they only sell it in Africa. Apparently it’s not sugary or fruity and takes some small effort to appreciate in which case most Americans would rather not drink it. “Not what I’d have expected for my first Mother’s day” said she. Now that she says so it is a rather odd present.
Still, I’m hoping that it means I’m getting to know my wife better. After all, a year ago I’d have picked her up a card and flowers. All fine of course, but I like to get things for April, not women in general, if you take my meaning.
(It’s now 5-4, Seattle. Blast.)
Oh! Notice the title of this post? I’m reading That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis and, while there are a lot of interesting things he brings up, I was struck by a comment made by one of the characters who remarked that the way someone acted sounded “old fashioned.” “I don’t know about old fashioned, but it’s certainly old” was the response. That is a distinction that I doubt would come easily, or readily, to a culture that tends to equate the two. It reminded me of “Modern Jewish Culture,” one of the classes I took in college. It was a good class, but in his effort to emphasize the importance of the Old Testament as a predicate for all that goes on in the New the prof encouraged us all to call it the “First” Testament. "Wouldn’t it make more sense," I suggested, "to continue calling it “old” and re-educate the students on their deplorable view of old things? That way you’d be getting at the root of the problem." I don’t remember his exact response, except that he indirectly dismissed my point and, to my knowledge, still teaches the “First Testament” thing, much to the limited thinking of his students.
Incidentally, studying Catholic theology has actually fostered a far greater appreciation for and understanding of the OT than my days at Gordon ever did. But that's by the bye.
That’s all for the time being. April’s home now (from her girl’s night) and the Sox are ... struggling. G'night!